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parts inventory best practices

What are best practices for a clean parts inventory?

PartsCount by Total Dealer Solutions (TDS) was established in 2003 to meet the automotive dealers’ need for an unbiased, professional third party parts physical inventory. We specialize in the automotive industry exclusively because with specialization comes expertise. Here are some tips and best practices to follow to maintain a clean parts inventory.

Should I do cycle counts?

Yes! Performing cycle counts should always be apart of your daily procedure.

  • Conduct your counts from bin to sheet
  • Avoid large write ins at year-end
  • Maintain inventory accuracy

Why should I hire a parts runner?

Yes! Hire a dedicated parts runner to run parts to your service technicians.

  • Increase your profitability
  • Maximize technicians efficiency
  • Improve department productivity

How should I label bin locations?

Here are some ways to improve your bin numbering system:

  • Do not name your bin locations
  • Use a numeric and alphabetical system (ie.1000A, 1000B)
  • Make sure all bin locations are labeled

Are cost overrides ok?

A common problem in dealers is cost overrides. It is best practice to have the cost overrides option turned off. We recommend checking your DMS options per user.

  • Avoid fat finger errors
  • Minimize vulnerability
  • Promotes good process

Total Dealer Solutions

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